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Thursday, July 8, 2010
Singing HOT HOT HOT!
So I haven't been posting anything for awhile and that's partially to do with me not wanting to have my hot laptop sitting on me and warming more than I already am, but the main reason was solely laziness. The heat that has been going on for the past while has been insane! Don't get me wrong...I definitely love this more than a freezing day in winter, but living in an apartment building with no air-conditioning and only a tiny fan that with an very active imagination (and possibly heat exhaustion) I can convince myself that the air in the apartment is moving and it's not going to give me heat stroke. And beyond the heat it's the humidity; I take a shower and I feel like I'm towelling off 3 or 4 times before I'm actually going to stay dry....or at least until I walk away from my tiny fan that is drying me! haha. I can't tell after my shower is I'm wiping off sweat or shower water. So daily I've been making my way to campus with usually one or two strategically chosen pit-stops that can entertain the thermoreceptors in my skin with air-conditioning before I finish my trek across town to the cool comforts of the university. I usually stay there for hours - lately doing homework for the last course of my university career (which I start and finish in August), as well I read blogs, Facebook obviously, chat with friends, etc....anything really to occupy my time until I feel I should face the long walk back home in the sweltering heat.
Somehow, yesterday I was able to convince myself to get back into working out (ya I know, only took me a month to get back into it....Cassie was making fun of me cause every day I would tell her I was planning to workout and that workout never came lol.) And I've decided...that starting next week...I am going to begin P90X workouts for 3 weeks. I did the Ab Ripper X yesterday and loved it - just didn't love the feeling like I was going to throw up immediately following. So, since my cookie diet is over and I only faltered twice (everybody better be cheering right now cause it wasn't easy!) then Emilie mailed me a parcel that was full of homemade cookies; I think it's time for my next month activity (or torture) and so I decided to help encourage me back into working out (or discourage, I'll keep ya posted!)....P90X! I kinda already regret telling people that! hahaha. Anyways, I'm out cause the laptop is scorching my legs and my battery is dying from me laying motionless on my couch watching movies (which is the only thing I pretty much do in this heat while I'm at home to prevent my body from moving and creating heat energy). I'm going camping this weekend with Jessica and Ryan for Jess' birthday!!! And........EMILIE WILL BE THERE!!!! I'll let everyone know how it goes! And I'll try really hard to stop being so slack on my post since I know it entertains you so much! Don't melt!
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