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Monday, June 21, 2010

Hangover From Hell

Yesterday was the hangover of death. I woke up from a night of drinking and dancing to the party still full throttle in my brain with the pleasant aroma of stomach bile in the air. despite the somersaults that my stomach was performing, I should probably be kinda thankful that I made it home; although, this may only be thanks to Emilie who walked me home via the phone. After vomiting a couple times after leaving McDonalds after the bar, I then began my long-ass walk home (NEVER walking home again when that drunk!). I have no clue how long the walk took me but I definitely was getting annoyed with Emilie who kept calling me whenever I hung up on her cause I just wanted to lay down in the park or someone's yard and sleep for a bit. I did however manage a cat nap on the comfy lawn of some unsuspecting house owner but that nap was cut short when my phone started ringing again and I got up and pretended like I had never stopped walking when I answered to Emilie again. Somehow or another I made it home alive. The entire next day I was on my couch; almost never moving from the three cushions I had claimed as my hangover place of choice, only getting up to pee a couple times and to grab water and to pay the pizza man when he finally showed up. The pizza was my food for the entire day except for the cucumber I ate like it was a popsicle. Emilie showed up in the early afternoon so we could co-hangover on my three cushions while watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes - only moving to readjust to become more comfortable. I discovered that my feet/toes are VERY dexterous and can pick up pretty close to anything within range and so there was definitely MINIMAL moving. Finally around 8 or 9pm Cassie called and we made plans to go for a walk and since Emilie and I had been living-dead for the entire day...we thought that since it had cooled down and we were feeling a lot better, that it was time to make our appearance outside. The walk was perfect! The weather was awesome, we walked way further than any of us really planned to and it made me feel a little more human. I've been hungover many times after drinking; usually I feel it to some extend (since I'm so old haha), but I haven't been as bad as this hangover in a LONG time. Hopefully another hangover from hell isn't for another really long time!

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