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Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I'm a YouTube fanatic and have wasted countless hours on YouTube not looking at anything in particular and just looking at recommended videos and searching random shit (keep in mind I don't have a tv). One day last week I was watching a video where Katie Couric was interviewing Ellen (I LOVE Ellen YouTube videos) and in the interview it comes up how Ellen has been a vegan for either 4 or 7 years I can't remember, but she said that the documentary Earthlings is the thing that turned her to veganism. Katie then asked Ellen if she's seen Food Inc. (which I had seen before and thought was pretty gross) and Ellen responded by saying that "Food Inc is the Disney version of what actually happens". I naturally wanted to watch Earthlings even though I kinda knew that this would change my outlook on food. But, my curiosity for the better of me and I found Earthlings on YouTube and began watching it. I was literally in shock the entire movie! I watched with mouth open in shock as HORRIBLE, CRUEL things happened to animals. NEEDLESS suffering was happening before my eyes and it was destroying my soul (as corny as this sounds). I was sending some texts to Emilie while watching this explaining the atrocities I was witnessing. She called me while I was still near the beginning section of the movie and within 30 seconds I broke down and was crying on the phone about how horrible everything was and the things we support and put these fellow "earthlings" through. I literally had to stop the movie two times because I almost threw up! Not even kidding this video scarred me forever! I kid you not! And anyone who's seen any of it can attest to this. I could not fathom why these helpless animals were needlessly put through so much pain and suffering with no attempt or concern for them in ANY way. This documentary covers everything that we use animals for; from cows, pigs, chicken, fish, etc for food, to medical experiments and science, to clothing and entertainment. This movie has led me to be more conscious about everything; the world, my life, my impact. I definitely don't eat meat anymore when I can help it and and any animal products I do use now I am learning to be aware of how they were obtained and that they received better treatment than the majority. I don't recommend that everyone watch this documentary because I do really believe it's scarring and not everyone can handle it. I do think that people should be open and receptive to educate themselves whenever they can. I don't think it's good enough to say "I don't wanna watch it cause I like meat too much". I totally understand and get the arguments that people have about eating animals and using them; however, there is still no reason to to inform yourself. I am content if people educate themselves and still decide they like meat and will continue eating it, because they made and educated decision. The people who aren't willing to do that at least are being ignorant and I think that is an injustice to their intelligence and human. I told Emilie not to watch it knowing that it would scar her far worse than myself and yet for the same reason that I did, her curiosity got the best of her and she started watching it. She couldn't even watch the video but only listen while it was on and she did something else. Soon, even listening to what was going on was too much for her and she could no longer watch it. So now, I am seriously warning people that this video is scarring and is not for everyone; however, I have attached the first segment from YoutTube for those that do want to use Earthlings to educate themselves (there are 10 segments). You were warned.

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